
(c) 2012 by
rie okamoto all rights reserved.






I think the feeling of really living washes away in the day-to-day, people tend to lose “something essential”. “Something essential” is quality of being aware of your environment. As much as the society evolves, people leave it, I feel a sense of crisis in the situation .

Being conscious of the “something essential ” is very important for me so I can feel that I am fully present in the world. It is possible to approach a little “something essential” by, for example, asking ” What is the time,” “What is this world” and “Who am I”. Then I start thinking about it, I have been feeling here that I am separate from the real world, like I am next to another world. At that moment, the meaning of everything and the concept of time is likely to be lost . It is scary, but at the same time, I feel an infinite growth.